Thursday, May 19, 2016

Suggested Viewing for Mac DeMarco

True Real Sonic Pain as Climax/of Intendor Tm

Announcing & Saying I'm Working Class Polymath Founder of Transcendia

I am here now.  The thing you must understand is that I lived as a revolutionary who got away.  I hid like most of us, out in the open.  Working, and I kept trying to find the most important things to know that there were about making a nation that was a good nation.
My national goal is to prevent the apocalyptic riot.  I could found a nation with a 2D, to 3D ending in VR scratch & sniff war movie.  I need a producer of course.  I need distribution of course.
The idea was that moderating world economic disparities bringing the full realization of airports into our present would help by building on the cultural neutrality of airports,
And how people know how to act right on airport territory instinctively.
Transaction Magazine many years ago had an article about why San Francisco was a tolerant town.  It is because it is a port.  All ports are traditionally more tolerant, like Hong Kong in the Chinese sphere, or Shanghigh.  Even NYC, is what it is from its legacy as a seaport.  With the diminution of that function, it becomes more elitist daily.
For long background go to  I have had it for years.  A couple years ago, maybe a year and a half ago, it was changed to mobile friendly by the webmaster server guy.  Lost homepage. You can find that iteration on Internet Archives.  Nose around.  I ought make a book of it.  There is one printed out.  Strength Wisdom Beauty & Humor drive me.  Destiny drives me.  I look for the smartest people.
To see me at near best and best look me up on is supposed to take you to the body of my work.  It would behove you proper and grand to get a Transcendia Passport.  Now adays everyone needs two passports traveling.  We have all become spies.
Times are tough, basically because Finance Banking has gone nuts out of balance.  Read the greats on naked  Michael Hudson is great.  David Cay Johnston important to grasp about rich and poor differences in treatment that are allowing Finance banking to eat the world alive.
It is Finance.  We have to do one thing to make a revolution, and that is to insist that the US Post Office provides us with Service banking.   This is all to say after reading a bunch of books and arguments.  This is supposed to be my last three years as I rise and fall from the fame machine.  I must have the currency of fame to succeed before I die.  Help me if you will.  My goals are correct.  I am the Old Man now and have balance to give.  Balance is gone from your life because people bought debt and the insurance companies were corrupted.  Mostly I have been making my shows since I announced to run for US Senate as working class from NC, and good enough.  The union I had a card with wouldn't call me back and support me, nor did things go as I wanted and needed as part of the US Democratic Party.  After finding they could not do things in simple order and didn't respect my contributions, I resigned my seat.  I had to.  I am all Transcendia and Transcendian now.  You ought figure out how to support my work.  Buying what I have offered as a straight out artist is the plan.  I may have to beg the way things are going.  It looks like you get more to work with if you just beg.  I wasn't a big enough beggar, so far.
So here I beg.  Buy a book I wrote.  Poor Buzz & Stories from Warnings for my Daughter is a fine book for tired eyes and dim light.  For younger people it will provide some "institutional memory".  70s and 80s are mysteries to you.  They happened. I was there.  Often everywhere with all sorts of people.  I went through passions and survived.  It wasn't easy.  I did not mean to have such a hard life, but I did, and read focused on making a nation of airports to overcome "Cultural Lag" what the economist John Commons is known for.
Airports.  I take it further than anyone saying it ought be a nation.
Follow me on Twitter these days @transcendian.  I been making lots of Social Media Posters using Canva.  I was got into that by Guy Kawasaki who asked me over Linked in to review his 2.0 Art of the Start book.  I did. I wanted an introduction of Transcendia by Guy to Sir Richard Branson, but Guy said he doesn't know him good enough to do that.   I use the hell out of Canva.  Used it for making my record CD Cover.         Love,   Russell

Save the Wage Slaves, Save the USPO/Intendor Tm Radio Show